Global News

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Wednesday, October 22, 2014


"False Narratives, and pretext, it's an " aselgia ", or abuse of logic, and common sense. ".
Jesus, was a servant of freedom, and free will..
He never said: " Either you are with me, or you are against me "
This statement, comes directly, from the  master of adversity, lies, and liars!!

" Through wars, killings, bloodshed, and distruction, you create a hell,of your own making..
Swimming in a lake of sheets, you can't suggests, that as you are coming out, that you smell a Dior,s perfume..
Sheets are sheets,and no magic tricks can make it a perfume. "!!!
" Truth in no way could be in service, of a Tyranny, of tyrants, or Dictators.. 
The only faithful servants of Tyranny, are lies, liars, and fakery.
Truth can only serves ,freedom, democracy and sovereignty.."
Truth,is a lake of washing up all dirties. 

" Everything is subjected to subsequent validation or negation!"
Truth is verified by the facts..
The same is happening, with lies..
At the end, everything is coming into light,because, words are just words, and real actions,and facts,are those legalising truths, or demonised lies, and liars!!
Truth is not seeking for riches,or fame,. 
Truth us seeking to spread light and dissolve darkness. 
It's only serves,principals and ideals,and people,s servival, and evolution. . In no way, serves private, personal, or syndicated interests, or agendas..
" Nothing could be stay hidden, or kept.secret under the Sun! "
We don,t want at the end, to discover, that we were told, what we wanted to listen..and found ourselves deceived...once again,and maybe the last*...

In recent times, the agents of chaos,are created a lot of tragic events for humanity..
Turmoil, Distruction, poverty, pain,misery, are on their daily agenda through wars,killing, bloodshed, ..and financial and social crises..
All these,because of greed, power, and control over people..
There is nothing human,on this insane,and sphycopathic behaviours considering human beings,as collateral damage, seeking more power and controll..
These agents of chaos and destruction, are working with a mandate from alien entities, serving an antihuman agenda..which are seeking for a new land for their own..So bad!!
This dream of theirs, is never going to take place..not now, not tomorrow,...not ever.!!
Humanity,is not " useful idiots ",as idiocity and moronity, is stating from time to time...
Human beings, are created on the image of God, something they don't. 
Humanity’s existence and evolution, is under the protection of the seven Kumaras, and under the direct Authority of The Universal Father..
The quide dangerous turning point in Humanity’s history,and the whole world, turned upside down, was some years ago, when certain neoliberal, far left, neo bolseviks  globalist forces, took the power in the Empire..
The very talented leader,an adept of the left hand,who was targeted before, to lead the whole operation against humanity, surrender himself, and his will, to dark forces, behind the veils..
All tragic events,which happened afterwards, either as military operations, colour revolutions,overthrowing of elected governments with coup d'etat,were the achievements of that talented deceiver and adept,and his syndicated network, quided and supervised, by these foreign, alien forces..
When tragic events, are turning the world upside down,  we cannot speak for progress,evolution, or shift..
The descent into conditions, of almost uncontrolled chaos, is just a step forward, into the void, and not into the promised land..
The hell of their own making, is not the promised land..
Following their choices of free will, this hell, may will become, their own promised land..

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